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contoh kalimat face out

"face out" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • Don't they know what we're facing out here?
    Tidakkah mereka tahu apa yang kita hadapi disini?
  • I can't keep his face out of my mind.
    Aku tak bisa membuang wajahnya dari ingatanku.
  • Get your face out of that motor! Get your face out of there.
    Jauhkan dirimu dari mesin!
  • Get your face out of that motor! Get your face out of there.
    Jauhkan dirimu dari mesin!
  • Let's get Cole's face out on the wire.
    Ayo kita pasang wajah Cole di TV.
  • I cannot get her face out of my mind!
    Aku tak bisa melupakan wajahnya di ingatanku !
  • facing out toward the road. - Just leave it there.
    menghadap ke jalan - biarkan saja disana.
  • Don't we want to get his face out there?
    Bukankah kita mau menemukan wajahnya di luar sana?
  • Well, the front facing out, ready to leave.
    Bagian depan menghadap luar, siap untuk berangkat.
  • It's so nice to see some fresh faces out here.
    Enaknya melihat beberapa wajah segar di sini.
  • No, but we've got his face out to all bases.
    Tidak, tapi kita mendapatkan wajahnya untuk semua base.
  • Lean forward a bit and stick your face out.
    Maju sedikti dan jangan bergerak.
  • Well, we're putting her face out there.
    Nah, kita telah memasang gambar wajahnya.
  • So I gotta face out toward you?
    Jadi aku hanya harus pergi kepadamu?
  • Huh? Keeping my face out of the wind.
    menjaga wajahku dari hembusan angin
  • The DEA's worst nightmare is that face out in public.
    Mimpi buruk DEA adalah wajah ini bocor ke publik.
  • "Stand by your cell door, facing out.
    "Bersiap di pintu selmu, menghadap keluar."
  • But we'll get a funny face out of you yet, right?
    Tapi kita belum bersenang-senang dengan wajahmu, benar kan?
  • Now, Captain, your powder room-- does it face out on the ocean?
    Sekarang, Kapten, toiletmu apakah menghadap ke laut?
  • I just needed to get my face out there.
    Aku hanya perlu mengatasinya.
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